Oscar Wilde

We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.

All art is quite useless.

Oscar Wilde

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Low investment, low commitment, high coverage! Using a cloud-based service to benefit operators. (MOCK SPEAKING SUBMISSION MADE AT PROACTIVE PR)

For business owners it is becoming increasingly important to have an online presence. An online presence not only acts as a bridge between businesses and customers but also as a new way to make sales with a wider range of customers. By using a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) SatADSL can offer operators a range of services without investment in physical infrastructure.

SatADSL have already proven that there is a growing market for satellite provided broadband in areas where traditional supply methods are not possible or are simply not cost effective such as large parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Investment in a high-speed satellite router allows operators the ability to access SatADSL services without any up-front costs to subscriptions. 

By using a Cloud-based Service Delivery Platform (C-SDP) operators pay for a subscription service or with pre-paid vouchers for bandwidth and access to an array of tools and markets. Hub operators are also entitled to support with their subscription as well as the ability to evolve their businesses without need to change services.

A C-SDP also allows greater ease of access to new businesses by removing up-front costs of building physical infrastructure as well as possible extra up-front charges to build a web presence.

Further benefits include the ability to resell unused bandwidth. SatADSL manage unused bandwidth, reselling it to other operators and returning a percentage of the profits to the original operator. This makes such a service even more cost effective for its operators, allowing them to use as much or as little of their allotted bandwidth without wasting any.

SatADSL’s C-SDP isn’t just aimed at hub operators however, satellite and teleport operators also see the benefits of this system. These operators can link their hubs and their VNOs in order to simplify their business with the integrated Customer Management Tool (CMT).

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